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  • Patricia Walsh

On Not Hearing Voices

The window crunches to its final destination

Not opened, in disuse, guarding the unholy

Indiscriminate foliage wafts down below

Signature coffee wipes the patio clean

Secondary problems not a cause to bitch.

A history written by losers stands erect

Breaking volumes a favour unheard.

A hook being cheap, time travel, slightest and lost

True leaders cost nothing to stay in shape

Apposite lesson comes when the teachers appear.

Online gaming feeding procrastination

The wide-angle screen encumbers the fantasy

An irrelevant dialect nicely folds the blanket

Being spoken for spite, by an enemy citizen

Detecting lies from an unknown caller

Saving death through song and a little alcohol.

Remembering bygones from dismembered memory

Excavating memories to sicken the party

Stalling to refresh, poisoning the aura

Focusing on retribution s sure slow burn.

Walk away and count your blessings, end of.

Bloodied apologies declared on the quiet

Reinstating camaraderie for future reference

Regaling thoughts of suicide, speaking out of turn.

About Patricia Walsh:

Patricia Walsh was born and raised in the parish of Mourneabbey, Co Cork, Ireland.  She has previously published a range of poetry in publications across Ireland, the UK, and the US, and one collection of poetry, Continuity Errors, with Lapwing, and two novels, The Quest For Lost Éire, and In The Days of Ford Cortina, in 2013 and 2021 respectively.  She lives in Cork City. A further novel, Hell for Beginners, is scheduled for release in 2024.

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